Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Looking at James Franco, can make you not notice a million monkeys coming towards you.

I saw Rise of the planet of the apes about two days ago, this actually another saved draft lmao, cause of my whole computer sitaution but yeah, on my sister's netbook again aha. But yes other than the fact that Planet of the apes was freaking amazing, I couldn't help but lust after James Franco throughout the whole movie. Lmao. Freida Pinto was gorgeous in the movie as well. I was actually discussing with one of my bestfriends Rita, that I was so happy she was in the movie with James Franco, and that she wasn't another white woman falling in love with a white guy, lol. And their chemistry was flawless. Not that I have anything against white people falling in love with each other lol, but I really love to see interracial couples. It's so generic and mainstream to have a white woman and a white man together, or black man and black woman. I don't know if it's because my mother is Guyanese and my dad is Afro-Brazilian I just always thought interracial couples,--- wether it'd be someone from Europe, Asia, Africa, South America etc. if someone could be finding, love from beyond where they are from and "subjected" to is amazing. I find it inspiring to be able to love and appreciate all different types of races, I'm actually pretty thankful I'm this way. I hear people say all the time " Oh I'm not being racist or anything, but I just don't find (black)/(white) people attractive." Well excuse me honey, you're def. not being equal. Don't get me wrong, I guess some people just can't help but to be single minded. Sometimes it's what you see, where you live, or what you were raised to believe that cause you to become that way I guess, and the rest I don't know --- it's history. I understand if someone prefers a certain race, or nationality better than another due to culture or what not, but to literally subject yourself to one race, or culture, to me in my opinion is just horrible and stupid. Pretty ignorant actually, especially that you won't give someone a chance cause of their race. That sucks, and being a multi-racial female, I know how hard it could be. But I don't know how I end up rambling about all this lol, but yeah the movie was amazing and I recommend anyone to watch it. I'm also going to post a few pictures of me and my friends in the park, later that day. And also random stills/pictures, some from the movie. :D

Sunday, August 28, 2011

I finally made one!

The idea of me making a blogspot has been going on, and off, in my head for ages I just wasn't sure. And I finally decided to make one! I know my blog looks totally noobish but I'll get the hang of it soon. I have a tumblr and what not, and don't get me wrong, I love tumblr, but I've been meaning to create a blog at blogger cause I feel it's more personal and hands on, not as easy as tumblr but there's more to showcase personally. I don't know if I'm making sense but yeah lol, excuse my run-on sentences also. My itouch has been having issues charging, and I usually take a crap loud of pictures of that, and I don't have a camera so... I'm not really steady with the whole getting access to a computer also, the one I'm on is actually my sisters netbook. I was on my old computer I hooked up yesterday, this was saved as draft btw. I really don't wanna slack on this blog, but my access may be limited at times. I'm just going to be posting my daily or weekly adventures or my thoughts. I'm going to post some pictures of me and my friends Yesenia and Rita, all around the city a couple days ago. We had a mini photoshoot in the park lol, it's awkward taking pictures in front of people but we just let our self go. ;)